Our country has become obsessed with judges on reality tv shows. From Judge Wapner in the 80’s to Judge Judy over the last 25 years, we seem to never get enough. I’d like to introduce a reality show for you called The Judge, and for short we will refer to The Judge as TJ.
TJ has a reputation of giving death sentences, even in what seems like the smallest of indiscretions. People think that TJ is mean, and that TJ loves giving a death sentence. This reputation has made him very unlikeable and disrespected.
I had the chance to observe TJ in action. His court seemed very different with what seemed like some unusual rules. In the U.S. we are innocent until proven guilty. Not in TJ’s court. Here you are guilty until you are declared innocent. Thus, there is no need for a prosecutor to attempt to prove your guilt.
In TJ’s court, nobody can pay the high cost to have their own lawyer. You make the choice to either stand on your own before TJ, or you can choose his son JC as your advocate. You might think this is unusual or a conflict of interest. How will a person get a fair trial? How can a fair judgement come from a father and son? You think all people deserve a fair chance, but with the reputation of TJ, and his son as your only advocate, you think one can only be doomed.
I was bewildered by TJ’s judgements in the courtroom. As each person stood before him, I could overhear JC telling those that had chosen him, “I’ve got this covered.” The defendant would state his name and TJ would then begin to look through a book on his bench. While he was flipping through the pages, I thought to myself what an inappropriate time to be doing some sort of book club reading. But then, immediately after closing the book, TJ would look directly at the defendant and give his judgement – innocent! I wondered how this could be. I knew each one of these defendants. They were all guilty and deserved death for their actions. Innocent, how? As I took all this in, it didn’t seem fair to me.
Now let me introduce what is going to be a harsh reality someday – God’s judgement. Some people misunderstand God and His fairness. God is just and fair, but not how we may want Him to be. Some see people hungry and wonder if God is fair. Some see people sick and dying and wonder if God is fair. How about all the others suffering in this world? Jesus said He gives us life abundantly. John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (ESV) So then why do people suffer? But let me ask you a question. Is it fair Jesus had to suffer and die when He was 100% innocent?
I think people have developed some prejudices about God. Fairness will not happen while we are in this world. The Bible says the sun will rise, and the rain will fall both on the good and the bad. Matthew 5:45, “………. For he makes his sun to shine on bad and good people alike, and gives rain to those who do good and to those who do evil.” (TEV) God is not concerned as much with fairness in this world as He is about our holiness in this world. He tells us to be holy as He is holy. 1 Peter 1:16, “…… for it is written: ‘be holy, because I am holy.’” (NIV)
God’s fairness comes in the final judgement. We think all people in this world deserve to have the same chance. God believes that too. We all deserve death. Because of that God sent His Son to pay the high price to be our advocate before Him. Jesus lived, died and was resurrected, giving all people the chance to come to Him. We all are guilty because of sin. However, all can be declared innocent if we are covered by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. 1 John 2:1, “My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father – Jesus Christ the Righteous One.” (NIV) We will be declared not guilty and our names will then be found in the Lamb’s book of Life. Revelation 20:15, “And anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire.” (NLT) All we have to do is make the choice to accept Jesus as our savior before the Almighty God, and make Him the Lord of our lives.